Thursday, July 31, 2008

Infrastructure: Bridges (again)

Via the Associated Press, the Department of Transportation tells us that "structurally deficient," for a bridge, sometimes means, "Old, but OK." So they are only sort of deficient. The Department of Transportation has no plans to do anything about a third of the structurally deficient bridges "that carry the most traffic in New Mexico." The story, printed in today's Albuquerque Journal continued, "Of the 20 busiest bridges that are considered structurally deficient, about 45% are scheduled for construction work or have undergone partial repairs." A arithmetic problem exists here; 45% of 20 is nine. I checked. Using a calculator. So, to say, "about 45%" must mean that 8.6 (or so) bridges on the repair list. Or maybe 9.2.
S.U. Mahesh, DOT spokesman and former Albuquerque Journal writer, assures us that all bridges in the state are inspected every two years. By the college students who inspect the roads?

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