Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Conservation Perfection

Such a thing is possible when voting on legislation. Sandy Buffet, executive dircector of Conservatin Voters of New Mexico writes:
"Thank you for including a mention of our CVNM Scorecard in your most recent issue of the Capitol Report! We’re pleased to be highlighted.
"Unfortunately, it missed some critical info—you reported that our highest score was Jeff Steinborn at 95%. While we’re proud of Jeff, somehow the writer missed the full page of our scorecard where we highlight all of our 100% champions. These include: Rep. Elias Barela, Rep Miguel Garcia, Rep Joni Gutierrez, Rep Antonio Lujan, Rep Rick Miera, Rep Mimi Stewart, and Rep Peter Wirth. All of these House Legislators scored 100%, a perfect pro-conservation vote.
"I hope you can note this as a correction in your next edition. Feel free to call with questions.
"Sandy Buffett"
And indeed, there they are on page 20 of the Conservation Voters' report. We messed up. Sorry about that and thanks for writing.

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