Sunday, August 12, 2007

Santa Fe & New York Times

An August 5 article in the New York Times travel section had this headline: Is Santa fe Ready for a makeover? Such things are always a useful window on what the other guys think. In this case, in my opinion, the other guys are patronizing, "blinded by the light," to borrow Bruce Springsteen. Asking whether Santa Fe is ready for a makeover starts with the premise that Santa Fe hasn't changed. That premise has no basis in reality. Santa Fe, and any other dynamic place, is constantly making over. For example (some of these are a little old):
The Bull Ring parking lot was paved.
The Bull Ring moved.... into the Wells Fargo Building, which was despised at the time of its construction.
All the big political events are now held at the Eldorado, which was despised at the time of its construction.
A convention center is under construction.
The Pink Adobe has new owners.
Capitol Report New Mexico will present the first handbook of the interim committees.
etc., etc., etc..

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